Archaeopteryx (replica)

GRI #798-R

This is a replica of the Eichstätt specimen of Archaeopteryx, discovered in 1951. This specimen is smaller than all other known specimens and differs in other respects, leading some authors to assign it to a different genus (Howgate, et al., 1985).

For more information on Archaeopteryx, see Archaeopteryx lithographica GRI #797-R.


Howgate, M. E., 1985. Problems of the osteology of Archaeopteryx: Is the Eichstatt specimen a distinct genus? In Hecht, M.K., Ostrom, J.H., Viohl, G. and Wellnhofer, P. (eds), The Beginnings of Birds: 105-1 12. Eichstatt: Freunde des Jura-Museums, pp. 105-112.


Archaeopteryx lithographica